
Building Professional Resilience: Thriving in Evolving Work Environments

The times when the company was promoted as a family is long over. Now, after COVID and the hybrid or fully remote models of working, leaders see another issue, or at least most of them call it so, arising. Before the pandemic, people did not act as with the family business thing. Many of the… Continue reading Building Professional Resilience: Thriving in Evolving Work Environments

Motivation and satisfaction

Developing a person based payment system as a tool to empower employees

With the wild run of the prices and costs of living in recent years, more people are struggling to ensure their minimum standard of living. Unfortunately, people often oversee this situation by directly searching for a new job and not discussing their situation with leaders and managers. Conversely, companies still follow the compensation rules created… Continue reading Developing a person based payment system as a tool to empower employees


Three steps to secure as a leader that your subordinates will support a change

Change has become inevitable for all of us. People see change as a personal life component; companies introduce it as a continuous process of constant improvement in different areas, and societies communicate it as a shift in mindset and decision-making. However, no matter the impact and the frequency of change, many people are still resistant… Continue reading Three steps to secure as a leader that your subordinates will support a change

Personal Development

Seasonal goals – what they are and why you need them

We are now in the season of goals evaluation. Measurement is on the way for everyone. No matter your role, the time is coming to report on your long-forgotten goal for the year you have achieved. And at the same time, your direct manager will have to tell you how they see you in the… Continue reading Seasonal goals – what they are and why you need them


The stubborn attitude that kills our gains and success and how to deal with it

"It is just how we do things here." Have you heard that phrase? Did it stick in your mind as a barrier that made you rethink your contribution to an employer or organization? If so, then you are not alone. Some fifty-two percent of new employees hear that phrase often in the first three to… Continue reading The stubborn attitude that kills our gains and success and how to deal with it

Personal Development

Closing the talent gap through digital transformation

The century of the talent gap. That is what a Harvard research team called the current time frame in their study back in 2018. What we miss most today is not oil, natural gas, or even microchips. Instead, the most deficient element of our environment is talent. Or, as I love to say – what… Continue reading Closing the talent gap through digital transformation


Three characteristics of great leaders that make others follow them everywhere

The world has changed since the 2020 pandemic started. People now need more support and expect more from their leaders. Old models are working, but in “the new reality,” we work remotely or hybrid and do not interact so much directly face to face. In the old days, people interacted with their leaders every day… Continue reading Three characteristics of great leaders that make others follow them everywhere

Personal Development

Monthly goal setting made easy

You may have experienced the challenge of setting annual goals. Your line manager asks you to engage with something that will be finished in up to twelve months. Sounds familiar and, at the same time, unrealistic? You are not alone. Just to put something and agree that it will be measured as completion after a… Continue reading Monthly goal setting made easy

Personal Development

The part of life when we feel failed and what we can do about that

In 2021, more than 3000 books on self-help were published only in English. Compared to the previous two years, the percentage of books in this area has increased by more than twelve percent in 2020 and more than twenty percent compared to 2019. In a study on what caused this increase, the analyzers found that… Continue reading The part of life when we feel failed and what we can do about that

Personal Development

What you need to do if you want a raise or a promotion – two rules and six strategies for a successful negotiation process

"I quit because the company did not offer me any opportunity for development." "There was no room to grow in this company." "I was expecting a higher salary but did not get it, even after I have completed more tasks than expected for my role." My boss didn't understand me and didn't support my development."… Continue reading What you need to do if you want a raise or a promotion – two rules and six strategies for a successful negotiation process