
Building Professional Resilience: Thriving in Evolving Work Environments

The times when the company was promoted as a family is long over. Now, after COVID and the hybrid or fully remote models of working, leaders see another issue, or at least most of them call it so, arising. Before the pandemic, people did not act as with the family business thing. Many of the… Continue reading Building Professional Resilience: Thriving in Evolving Work Environments

Motivation and satisfaction

Developing a person based payment system as a tool to empower employees

With the wild run of the prices and costs of living in recent years, more people are struggling to ensure their minimum standard of living. Unfortunately, people often oversee this situation by directly searching for a new job and not discussing their situation with leaders and managers. Conversely, companies still follow the compensation rules created… Continue reading Developing a person based payment system as a tool to empower employees

Motivation and satisfaction

The departing person from your team and why you need to pay attention to them

Nowadays, companies often move from one condition to another. Restructuring and optimization have become a norm for every company, regardless of size and the industry. Even those who admit they made sustainable changes years ago do not need to move to make small moves and changes in their structures. The dynamics of the companies' movement… Continue reading The departing person from your team and why you need to pay attention to them

Personal Development

Sixteen reasons that demonstrate why people give up

Busy times often make people think outside of boxes and even reach the breaking point in their motivation and internal engagement toward work, team, company, spouse, and relatives. The more we move forward in the years ahead, the higher the risk of letting essential things back and becoming passive toward success. The speed of living… Continue reading Sixteen reasons that demonstrate why people give up


Activity versus outcome – a relationship that needs your attention if you want to succeed.

Have you ever seen these people around you who show more commitment, are much more successful, and seem as if they do not have any issues achieving goals and overcoming obstacles? If you think their behavior is annoying, then you are not alone. According to a study from the University of Minnesota in 2021, some… Continue reading Activity versus outcome – a relationship that needs your attention if you want to succeed.

Personal Development

The employer value proposition for Leaders

During the last six to eight years, the topic of Employer value proposition has turned from a point in a presentation to a milestone of how a company achieves results. Still, I meet leaders who think Employer value proposition is their Human capital department responsibility. And these same leaders have responsibility for others in their… Continue reading The employer value proposition for Leaders

Personal Development

Wishing versus Wanting and how to turn from dreams to real gains

In the country where I Live, we have a saying, “If you want to turn your dreams into success, you have to work hard.” While this looks true initially, many people continue to trust illusionary opportunities like lotteries, customer competition at different chains of stores, etc. Does this seem familiar? I experience it daily. So… Continue reading Wishing versus Wanting and how to turn from dreams to real gains


Four signs of a leader that has lost connection with the environment and how to deal with them

The fast-paced world we live in, aren't we? People have significantly changed in the new reality based on an extensive stay-at-home culture. Social interactions have changed dramatically. Now people see others as less important to deal with and focus more on what it can be for them. Leaders have become more "flexible" in finding excuses… Continue reading Four signs of a leader that has lost connection with the environment and how to deal with them


Three characteristics of great leaders that make others follow them everywhere

The world has changed since the 2020 pandemic started. People now need more support and expect more from their leaders. Old models are working, but in “the new reality,” we work remotely or hybrid and do not interact so much directly face to face. In the old days, people interacted with their leaders every day… Continue reading Three characteristics of great leaders that make others follow them everywhere