Personal Development

The pushing CEO and what you need to do to manage them

Recently I have had a strange situation in my workplace – our Marketing manager was asked to change her department by the CEO. While being an idea creator, the CEO had a brave plan to change the marketing department structure to ensure the delivery of results without waiting for a newcomer to join. At this,… Continue reading The pushing CEO and what you need to do to manage them


Activity versus outcome – a relationship that needs your attention if you want to succeed.

Have you ever seen these people around you who show more commitment, are much more successful, and seem as if they do not have any issues achieving goals and overcoming obstacles? If you think their behavior is annoying, then you are not alone. According to a study from the University of Minnesota in 2021, some… Continue reading Activity versus outcome – a relationship that needs your attention if you want to succeed.

Personal Development

Negative thinking, what causes it, and how to avoid it

People often use descriptions about someone like "He/she is positive," "He/she is capable," "He/she is negative," and many more. In a world where we trust our emotions so much, the emotions often cause us to think in categories about others or behaviors. Because of the stress produced by modern society, people often move from accepting… Continue reading Negative thinking, what causes it, and how to avoid it

Personal Development

Simple steps that may help you deal with uncertainty

Uncertainty - such a short but, at the same time, powerful word. We all experience it at some time in our lives, even with some of us several times. Uncertainty creates instability, shows our darkest sides, and plays with our emotions. Based on what we have built as a character, the impact of uncertainty can… Continue reading Simple steps that may help you deal with uncertainty