Personal Development

The worst advice you can get for your leadership development

People today are taught to walk their way, no matter what happens.  "Be yourself" "Be authentic" "Create your unique path." Have you heard all these statements? Well, you are not alone. Some fifty-one percent of those who aim to get into a leadership role are told the same. And still, people work with coaches and… Continue reading The worst advice you can get for your leadership development

Personal Development

The employer value proposition for Leaders

During the last six to eight years, the topic of Employer value proposition has turned from a point in a presentation to a milestone of how a company achieves results. Still, I meet leaders who think Employer value proposition is their Human capital department responsibility. And these same leaders have responsibility for others in their… Continue reading The employer value proposition for Leaders


The lazy project member proposed by your CEO and how to deal with them.

Recently I have had to start moving our company office. When I started, I could choose the team to help me. While my current employer has a compact team, I didn't have many options. Knowing most of the people, I quickly chose the first three members of the core team. But the fourth one was… Continue reading The lazy project member proposed by your CEO and how to deal with them.